About Us

The Community of Glastonbury Forum was created on November 20th, 2015 by Tim Brockett.
It is currently administered by Tim and is NOT affiliated with the GLA Board or any community group.

* This Forum is designed to be an information resource and community gathering place.

* You may share your experiences, thoughts and feelings here and/or read the notes of others.

* In the GLA section feel free to ask tough questions, be critical of elected officials and offer praise when it is due.

* This forum is open to everyone; anyone can view your posts. Keep that in mind when you post anything. Think twice, reread your comments, check your spelling and then post your comments. If you are a registered user you can edit your comments. Guest users may read posts but cannot create posts.

* We will never require that users be a member of a certain group to gain access.

* We will never share your personal information with anyone unless required to by a court order.

* ALL information sources are kept confidential. You may post as a guest anonymously. You may email the administrator or send mail to GCF, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027

* We expect people to behave thoughtfully, civilly, critically and with occasional kindness.

* Remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Vigorous debate and freedom of expression are essential elements of a robust democracy and are protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. The Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.".

The cornerstone of a strong and thriving democracy is a free and vibrant press. The Glastonbury Community Forum intends to collect the facts, present them to the public, occasionally add their own interpretation and then let everyone freely discuss, comment and critique. Along the way we hope to inspire, enlighten and eventually help solve the problems we face as a community.

Your assistance is needed! Please join today.

The Forum, it's administrator and moderators are not responsible for the content, actions or behavior of users.
User guidelines may be accessed via the Guidelines tab on the main menu above.
This site is an intellectual work and copyright ©2015.
Contact the Administrator by email at glastonburycommunityforum@gmail.com
Mailing address: GCF, PO Box 1711, Emigrant, MT 59027
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